DAZ 3, Reality 1.2, LuxRender 0.8, no postwork
This is an image that I started many months ago, when I really didn't have much of an idea of how things worked in DAZ. It started with wanting to have an innocent standing in front of a stained-glass window. That idea brought me to liteluvr's Virtual Back Lot Cathedral Creation Kit. Using Reality 1.0, I then had to figure out how to adjust the windows to pass light through them. And then came the idea to pose the figure so that her head is in front of the round window.
Anyway, this thing eventually went through Reality 1.2 and was hashed and re-hashed, and finally I've just said, "enough!". Now, to me at least, it seems contrived, stilted, and very static. So feel free to tear it apart; can't be worse than what I think of it.