Saturday, July 20, 2013

"Portrait of MRL's Nieve"

Wow, has it really been two years since my last update?  I guess so.  Anyway, here's a recently completed render.

DAZ 3.1.2, Reality 2.2, LuxRender 1.x.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Transparency Study 01"

DAZ 3.x, Reality, 1.25, Lux .08 with Advantix 100CD film type.

This was done as a study to try and educate myself on how to make a material translucent using Reality 1.25, in this case the bra. It eluded me for quite a while and in fact had me giving up in my last posted image. Finally discovered that I needed to reduce the Gain for the Texture in the Alpha tab in Reality.

Monday, May 23, 2011

"Club Girls Arrested in Police Crack-down on Public Nudity and Lascivious Behavior"

DAZ 3.x, Reality 1.25, LuxRender 0.8x, GIMP 2.6

Just messing around with Reality Gel Lights.

I spent a lot of time trying to change the Slog Bra cup material to something semi-translucent. Everything I tried though, it either came out opaque or naked. I finally decided that the missing cups would be a good reason for the police to detain her and her friend. ;-)

 Did some postwork on the armpits, because as you know, DAZ doesn't handle joints very well when you pose them to extremes.

Monday, April 18, 2011


DAZ 3, Reality 1.2, LuxRender 0.8, no postwork

This is an image that I started many months ago, when I really didn't have much of an idea of how things worked in DAZ.  It started with wanting to have an innocent standing in front of a stained-glass window.  That idea brought me to liteluvr's Virtual Back Lot Cathedral Creation Kit.  Using Reality 1.0, I then had to figure out how to adjust the windows to pass light through them.  And then came the idea to pose the figure so that her head is in front of the round window.

Anyway, this thing eventually went through Reality 1.2 and was hashed and re-hashed, and finally I've just said, "enough!".  Now, to me at least, it seems contrived, stilted, and very static.  So feel free to tear it apart; can't be worse than what I think of it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"The Red Room"

 DAZ 3, Reality 1.2, LuxRender 0.8, GIMP 2.6

Two softboxes and one RealGel spot.

Created for Renderotica's 2011 "red rally". 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Violet Eyes II"

DAZ 3, Reality 1.2, LuxRender 0.8, no postwork.

CRF applied in Lux: FCICD

This is a just an exercise, giving a girl violet colored eyes.  This one is a better result -- at least as far as the eye color goes -- than my first attempt a few days ago.

The main light is a softbox, but I also used one of the Reality Softgels, which is a spotlight.  While that additional light gives that cool look to the background, it caused the render to take a good 20 hours to resolve the fireflies.

And yes, I realize the hair needs a bit of postwork.  Someday . . . .

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Violet Eyes"

DAZ 3, Reality 1.2, Lux 0.8, GIMP 2.6

This is the same setup as my "Bodysuit" render, just a tighter frame and then re-render.

I was working on this, when I heard about Elizabeth Taylor's reputedly stark violet eyes.  So I thought I'd try them on this model.  But in this case, the lighting, and the shadows from the bangs, does not make the eye color very impactful.  I'll have to try it again elsewhere.

Still I like the portrait.

Daz 3, Reality 1.2, Lux 0.8, GIMP 2.6

This is a bit of a WIP, although I don't know if I'll ever spend any more time on it.

This is my first use of Paolo's ( Gel Lights.  It's a rather subtle application, and while I'm happy with the way it has colored the background screen, I'm not entirely happy with the lighting on her face.  The light on the hands, on the other (ahem) hand, look fantastic!  (There is also a softbox.)

I wish I could nail down the Daz Studio deformers.  I tried to "pull" the material between her breasts out and away, which would look much more natural, but despite spending an hour trying various field sizes, I just couldn't get anything that looked good.  :-(      

Sunday, March 27, 2011

"Angels at War"

Daz 3, Reality 1.2, Lux 0.8, GIMP 2.6

This is three separate renders that were then compiled, along with the storm background, in GIMP.

The storm/lightning background was purchased at

This was inspired by the creature, "Serra Angel", in the fantasy card game, Magic the Gathering.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Kee at Home"  

Daz 3, Reality 1.2, Lux 0.8

This is the elvish character that I debuted in my "Mo and Kee, Flowers for Him" render. A friend liked that image quite a bit and asked if there were any more with those characters. So I came up with what might be the second in a line of related fantasy images.

I made a change here in the skin texture on her body. In the "Flowers for Him" render, I was using a skin texture on her body that I like a lot, but the head texture was different because I wanted that particular eye makeup. Due to the lighting and her size relative to the frame in that image, the difference in texture wasn't very noticeable.

But since she is front and center in this image, I had to switch her body skin texture to the same one as her face, and I'm not as satisfied with it.

A couple of softboxes and one mesh light.