Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Kee at Home"  

Daz 3, Reality 1.2, Lux 0.8

This is the elvish character that I debuted in my "Mo and Kee, Flowers for Him" render. A friend liked that image quite a bit and asked if there were any more with those characters. So I came up with what might be the second in a line of related fantasy images.

I made a change here in the skin texture on her body. In the "Flowers for Him" render, I was using a skin texture on her body that I like a lot, but the head texture was different because I wanted that particular eye makeup. Due to the lighting and her size relative to the frame in that image, the difference in texture wasn't very noticeable.

But since she is front and center in this image, I had to switch her body skin texture to the same one as her face, and I'm not as satisfied with it.

A couple of softboxes and one mesh light.

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