Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Daz 3, Reality 1.2, Lux 0.8, GIMP 2.6

This is a bit of a WIP, although I don't know if I'll ever spend any more time on it.

This is my first use of Paolo's ( Gel Lights.  It's a rather subtle application, and while I'm happy with the way it has colored the background screen, I'm not entirely happy with the lighting on her face.  The light on the hands, on the other (ahem) hand, look fantastic!  (There is also a softbox.)

I wish I could nail down the Daz Studio deformers.  I tried to "pull" the material between her breasts out and away, which would look much more natural, but despite spending an hour trying various field sizes, I just couldn't get anything that looked good.  :-(      

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